fellowship church visual brand guide


The purpose of this guide to promote a consistent outward presentation of fellowship church’s visual brand while allowing staff and members to have flexibility with how they apply elements. The guide, therefore, is not meant to be constrictive but to encourage creativity by providing a variety of options.

The guide is broken into three sections: Font, Color, and Logo.

Want a print copy of the guide? Download the following guide



There are two different fonts that can be officially used to represent fellowship church. The first is Mulish, an open source google font, and the second is Rustico, a free font found on pixel surplus. The following uses of the fonts are meant to be helpful examples and not hard and fast rules. The following suggestions apply to printed materials only.


Mulish Black 24pt


Mulish Bold 18pt


Mulish regular 10pt with a line height of 14pt

Call Out/Alternative Font

rustico 24pt


Download Mulish, Mulish Italic, and Rustico

If you need help installing these fonts then don’t hesitate to ask!



The color pallet is meant to communicate a youthful, fun, aesthetic and be flexible enough to work for any occasion. All colors are equal within the palette but it is helpful when electing to use multiple colors to think through what provides a high contrast, and what isn’t too distracting.





Sweet Brown






Blue Pigment



Copper Red



Lapis Lazuli



Orange Yellow




The new fellowship church logo is an updated logo from the original tri-colored pick logo. The new logo is one color. The exact color of the logo is not rigid but can be anyone of the colors from the above palette. In addition, a smaller pick only icon can be used in situations where the logo is so small that the “fc” would be distracting, such as a favicon (on a web browser) or a small heading on a document.

logo examples-01.png

Primary Full Logo

This should be the go to logo, especially when allowed the space.

logo examples-05.png

Secondary Full Logo

When less space is available, use this one. This works well for letter heads.

logo examples-03.png

Pick Only Logo

The “pick only” option is more helpful when the church context is already established such as the Sunday service.

logo examples-04.png

Ministry Extension

This logo is for the various facets of ministry within fellowship church.


Download the Logo Folder, or the editable ai File