
This 8 week course discussing many topics of Christianity and our culture, and how to give gospel centric answers to questions.

Class Content

Week 1: Jan 30: Where Are We?

Week 2: Feb 6: Living as an Alternative Culture

Week 3: Feb 13: The Role of Imagination and Meaning in Life

Week 4: Feb 20: What do we find meaningful and why?

Week 5: Feb 27: Ancient Culture: A study in desire

Week 6: Mar 5: Medieval Culture: Sacramentalism

Week 7: Mar 19: Modern/Post Modern Culture and Art

Week 8: The surprising role(s) of modern songs and movies in our lives

Additional Content

Books (Optional):

Reel Spirituality by Dr. Robert Johnston

Winsome Persuasion by Dr. Timothy Muehlhoff

Apologetics and the Christian Imagination by Dr. Holly Ordway