About Essential Bible Doctrines III
“… Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who
asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have…”
1 Peter 3:15
“Don’t conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2
These verses give two of the reasons for this class! First,
we need to be prepared to give a Scriptural answer to people
we are trying to help know the Lord better; and, secondly, we
need Scripture in our minds for us to keep being transformed
into maturity.
Class Content
Class time will consist of one-to-one verse review and group discussion on how verses tie in with the key doctrines being studied.
The homework: 4-6 verses/passages per week (5-30 minutes/day; time will increase as verses begin to pile up for review)
Doctrines Covered:
“Who Is God & What’s He Like?”
“Can We Trust The Bible & What Does Sola Scriptura Mean?”
“Who Was Jesus & How Does His Blood Save Me?”
“What Does It Mean To Be Saved & Can You Lose Your Salvation?”
“What Is The Local Church Supposed To Be About?”
“Who Is The Holy Spirit & What Does He Do?”
“What is Meant By Man’s Fallenness & What Does The Bible Have To Say About Satan?”
“How Does A Christian Grow Up?”
“What Does The Bible Say About The End Times?”
“What Is The Great Commission & amp; What Is My Responsibility?”