MTD Health Score
Enter numbers without “%” or “$”.
What does this number mean?
Our desire is to create a framework that will assist churches, MTD coaches, and individual missionaries to achieve long term MTD health.
Our working definition for ideal MTD health is a missionary who has enough funds coming in regularly to meet their ongoing ministry needs (including salary and reimbursements) with the addition of a 3-month surplus in their MTD account.
HS>95 – Sustaining.
In The missionary continues at their ministry assignment and has the peace of mind that their fund-raising status is in a healthy state. However, they are encouraged to “tithe their time” to MTD (primarily toward cultivation).
95>HS>85 – Growing.
The missionary continues at their ministry assignment, but is tasked to grow their account balance (and/or their current percentage) by “tithing their time” toward MTD with the help of local supervision and/or coaching.
85>HS>75 – Restoring.
The missionary continues to be released to their assignment, but is directed to designate an increased percentage of their time to MTD.
In this stage, it is hoped that one will set aside 25% or more of their time for MTD on a weekly basis.
75>HS – Rebuilding.
A conversation is initiated about fully removing the missionary from their ministry assignment in order to focus on MTD.