
Life in Jesus is so good! It's good news for you, and it's good news for the world. 

Come hang out with Pastor Mark to learn about developing your roots in the gospel - and with Doug to learn about embodying Jesus' loving relationship to the world. Learn to establish mindsets and habits that help you enjoy Jesus more and become more like him. You will learn about your identity in Jesus and how that plays out in real life. Jesus is saving you and restoring you to the free, purposeful life for which he made you! 

For 10 weeks, you will receive clarifying Bible teaching, hear powerful stories, and meet with a trainer to digest what you learned in class and prepare for the next class.

Class Content

Class Syllabus

Week 1 - A New Creation
Week 2 - Choosing to Follow
Week 3 - A Love Relationship (with God)
Week 4 - Living by the Book
Week 5 - A Jesus Community
Week 6 - Being Outward: Why?
Week 7 - Being Outward: How? Let’s Be Creative!
Week 8 - Being Outward: Obstacles We Face
Week 9 - One, simple, flexible tool: Stories big and small
Week 10 - Keep Growing, Keep Going!

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